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Webtools | Code | Guides

Where innovation meets implementation. Profit from powerful, robust and easy-to-use webtools, code libraries, guides and more.

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We believe in creating products that prioritize usability. Our solutions are designed to be intuitive, minimizing the need for extensive learning and configuration.

We focus on delivering products that work out of the box, allowing you to concentrate on what matters most: developing great software.

At Wedasoft, we strive to make development accessible and straightforward. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced developer, our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to succeed, without the unnecessary complexity.

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JavaFX with Spring Boot & Gradle

Utilize JavaFX, Spring Boot, and Gradle for powerful results. Enjoy smooth integration and take your projects to the next level with efficient development.

JavaFX with Spring Boot & Maven

Harness the power of JavaFX with Spring Boot and Maven. Profit from seamless integration and elevate your projects with streamlined development.

JavaFX with Gradle non-modular

Seamlessly merge the features of JavaFX and Gradle without using modules. Use the synergy and improve your development efforts.

JavaFX with Maven non-modular

Strengthen your projects through the synergy of JavaFX and Maven without using modules. Elevate your projects to a comple new level.

Wedasoft FX

Standalone module: Gui commons

This module simplifies managing scenes and dialogs. Create .fxml dialogs, pass arguments, and use predefined dialogs. Easily switch scene content.

Standalone module: Testbase

This module simplifies JavaFX testing by extending your test class, eliminating errors like “Toolkit not found” and “Not on FX application thread.”

Standalone module: Custom nodes

This module provides custom JavaFX nodes, enhancing your UI with advanced features and seamless functionality for a superior user experience.


Publish to Maven central with Gradle

Simply publishing to the Maven Central repository with Gradle. Streamline your process, elevate your reach, and share your creations globally.

Other projects

Android Java Helpers (API 33)

Several functions for developing Android apps with Java. Including a base activity, helper classes for using native camera or the gallery, and more.

Custom Vaadin components

Explore an extensive suite of Vaadin components, uniquely designed to extend functionality beyond the standard provided by Vaadin itself.

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